Each year, at the beginning and middle of the year, we take time to have an ardent and
passionate conversation and communing with God through prayer and fasting. Prayer is
essentially the exercise expected of God’s people. It is by prayer that we test the
truthfulness and genuineness of our faith, when we turn to our God and call upon his
name, and when we do not think only about ourselves and our concerns, but generally
include all who are joined to us and who are in one way or another close to us.
It is our aim in our week of prayer and fasting that we will determine to take one step
forward in our participation and confidence in prayer, not just as an individual but with
other KBCFers, gathered together with the purpose of seeing God’s glory manifested.
God has sovereignly ordained the corporate praying of a church, such that, His mighty
workings increase exponentially and His purposes are accelerated and supplemented
when we pray and fast together. Oswald Chambers, the writer of the famous devotional,
My Utmost of His Highest, rightly said, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer
is the greater work.” Prayer taps into the power of God to bring about truly great works.
Prayer is how we access God’s power and get His work done.
But ironically, prayer is, for the most part, an untapped resource, an unexplored continent
where untold treasures remain to be unearthed. It is talked about more than anything
else, and practiced less than anything else. Wayman Rogers writes, “The ministry of
prayer is the most important of all ministries in the church. Prayer creates the atmosphere
and binds the powers of darkness so the gospel of Jesus can go forward and the church
can prosper. This is the area that the majority of our church talks about the most and
practices the least.”
If there is anything we need to be working on in our lives and in the church in general, it
would be our prayer lives. I can assure you that we all could admit we need to be praying
more than we ever do. It’s easy to complain about our church or about things that don’t
seem to be going right, but have you ever spent time earnestly fasting and pleading with
God for Holy Spirit power to be upon those who lead? Have you ever fasted and prayed
for our church, for fellow church members, for those in ministry, or for those in positions
of spiritual need? What breaks your heart? What drives you to your knees? Has your
heart ever been broken for our church or for those around you whose spiritual walls have
fallen down?
We need pray-ers in the church today – people whose hearts are breaking for the church;
people who are compelled by their love for God and His people to spend time fasting and
praying for the church; people who are willing to ask God for big things for His church,
and expect Him to answer; people who don’t just sit back and watch, but become part of
God’s answer by getting involved, by speaking up, by standing strong. God needs men
and women of prayer, men and women of action. He needs people who will courageously
be part of the rebuilding—not just of a physical building but of people’s lives.
For the next 6 days, join us in the experience of fasting, prayer, and listening to the voice
of God through His Word. We have to be rightly and biblically passionate about the spread
of God’s glory. But at the same time, we have to be acutely and biblically aware of our
need for God’s grace. We know that apart from dependence on and desperation for God,
we will not only miss the ultimate point of our ministry and mission, but we will also neglect
the ultimate need of our souls.
David Mathis, executive editor for Desiring God writes, “The great (and often hidden)
reward of fasting is God himself. ‘Open your mouth wide,’ he says, as we empty our
stomachs, ‘and I will fill it’ (Psalm 81:10). God rewards Christian fasting because it attunes
us to the very purpose of God in the universe: to magnify himself in our desiring, enjoying,
and being satisfied in him. And he rewards it not just with what we’re asking for with our
fast, but ultimately with who he is as our desire, enjoyment, and satisfaction.”
We were made to feast on God. In the words of the psalmist, we were created to cry:
1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
2 So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,
beholding your power and glory.
3 Because your steadfast love is better than life,
my lips will praise you.
4 So I will bless you as long as I live;
in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,
and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips.(Psalm 63:1–5)
Pastor Ronel Rubrica
KBCF Head Pastor
Download Prayer & Fasting Booklet
Digital copies of the prayer booklet are available in this website and social media pages. You can download the file by clicking the button below. Hard copies are also available upon request. KBCF is enjoining every family and attender to ascribe to the Lord all glory honor and praise, and continue to entrust to Him the whole year.
Corporate Prayer Gathering
We invite you to join our 6-Day Corporate Prayer Gathering from July 1-5, 2024, Monday to Friday, 7pm at the KBCF Worship Hall. We will also have the culmination of our Prayer and Fasting on July 6, 2024, 10am at KBCF Worship hall. We encourage you to plan ahead, and let us all be blessed with what God will be revealing us as we seek Him this Prayer and Fasting Week! We hope to see you there.
Browse Booklet Online
You may also view the embedded booklet below:
Midyear-PF-Booklet-2024You may also browse the devotions found in the Prayer & Fasting booklet in the Devotions section of the KBCF blog.