Take-Home Principle:
“As a disciple of Christ, I will walk with my eyes fixed on him at all times and trust in him in all circumstances.”
A. Discovery Questions
- In v. 22, what did Jesus do with his disciples and with the crowd after doing the miracle of feeding the 5,000 (referring to the event in v. 17-21) & (v. 22)? What did he do himself after that? (v. 23)
- What happened while the boat was still far away from land? What caused his disciples to be terrified? (24 -25)
- When Peter replied, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water” what demonstration of God’s power did he experience? ( v. 29)
B. Understanding Questions
- Why did Jesus send his disciples to go ahead of him? ( v. 22- 23).
- Why did Peter sink into the water when he was able to walk on it earlier? ( v. 30 & 31)
- What for you is the significance of the phrase “begins to sink”(v. 30)
- What could Jesus be trying to accomplish in Peter’s life in inviting him to “come” and in allowing him to sink later? What was Jesus also trying to show his disciples with his walking on the water miracle that they had witnessed? (v. 31-32)
C. Application Questions
- How can you build up your faith and trust in Jesus? How will you maintain faith in God in the midst of difficult situations or struggles in life?
- Has your faith been tested in the past or is being tested at present? Do you have any encouragement or promise in God’s Word that has strengthened you or that you can hang on to? Share with the group. (Time for prayer follows on what was shared).