Take-Home Principle:
“Through the highs and lows of my life, I will choose to follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd.”
A. Discovery Questions
- What does the Lord do as a shepherd as David described in Psalm 23?
- What does David expect to experience from the shepherd’s hand? (v.6)
- In John 10:11, Jesus said that He is the Good Shepherd. How does Jesus know who His sheep are as stated in John 10: 27-30?
B. Understanding Questions
- Why do you think David described the Lord as a shepherd? What does this imply?
- David used various images to describe how the Lord looks after his flock. What do you think the following images represent?
- Why do you think we need Jesus as our good Shepherd?
C. Application Questions
- How do you tend to think about the Lord? At what moments in your life did you see the Lord as your shepherd? What kind of shepherding did He provide during those moments?
- Are there situations in your life now that make it difficult to follow Jesus as your shepherd? How can you let the Good Shepherd shepherd you this week?