Take Home Principle:
“As a Christian, I will remember and be grateful for the privilege of being a child of God.”
Discovery Questions
- According to v.26 how do we become children of God?
- What is the implication when we become children of God by faith, and baptized in Jesus Christ (v.27-28)
- If we belong to Christ, what does that make us (v.29)?
Understanding Questions
- What does it mean to be a “child of God?” What differentiates the life of a child of God from others?
- What does the passage in v.28 mean: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for we are all one in Christ?”
- What does it mean to be “Abraham’s seed”? What is the blessing of God to Abraham that children of God are co-heirs too?
- There are many passages in the Bible that assure us of our identity in Christ. Why is this truth so important to believe and remember?
Application Questions
- Are there times in your life when you doubted your position in Christ, perhaps because of the bad things you have done? How did the Lord assure and remind you how precious you are to Him (e.g., any Bible verses, situations, an encouragement from a fellow christian)?
- The devil will always try to have us doubt our position in Christ to make us falter in our faith. What are some of the things you can think of to help you (and others) remember? Is there someone you can think of who needs affirmation? Take the time to pray for him/her.
- In these past few weeks, what blessings as a child of God are you most thankful for?