Event details
- Sunday | December 12, 2021
- 10:00 am
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8537107761?pwd=Y3lYcXdKMm1MeENoWXdoL1pITTlyUT09
Happy 46th Aniversary, KBCF! Praise God for He is good and His love endures forever! 🙌🙌 Let us celebrate together God’s faithfulness in our joint 10 am Worship Service via Zoom.
As we celebrate today, here are some few reminders:
- The recorded service will be published on Youtube at 12nn for those who were not able to join the 10am Zoom Worship Service.
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8537107761?pwd=Y3lYcXdKMm1MeENoWXdoL1pITTlyUT09
- Meeting ID: 853 710 7761
- We will continue on with our celebration with games and raffle prizes at 5pm via Facebook Live. You can join the raffle by simply clicking the “Going” button on our event page until 4:30pm. The following link will redirect you to the page. Event page: https://fb.me/e/2EaP4W1Dc