Leviticus 19:1-4; Ephesians 5:31-6:4; Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Day 2
Note: This devotional is taken from the 2022 Midyear Prayer and Fasting Week.
Start to Connect
Are you different (in a good way) from others, at least from those who are not upfront about themselves being Christians? The Lord would like for His people to be set apart from other nations. We are a Holy Nation. Let us start it in our homes by honoring our parents.
Truth to Ponder
- The Lord would like us, His people, to be different (in a good way) from the people around us. (Leviticus 19:2-4). In the days of Moses, the Lord specifically mentioned 3 areas where His people ought to be distinct in their homes – honoring of parents, Sabbath worship, and the worship of other gods. How are you distinct from the people around you?
- Paul sets the Christian home in the context of God’s plan and purpose to unite heaven and earth in and through Christ (Ephesians 1:10) The relationship between husband and wife sets the tone on how this plan and purpose of God happens in the home. (Ephesians 5:31-33; note that the early churches are house churches) Loving your spouse and honoring one’s parents (which includes loving one’s siblings) are acts of holiness. Can this be said of you?
Examine The Word
- Read Ephesians 5:31-33 prayerfully. God would like the Christian couple reflect/recover His original intention in creating mankind. (v. 31; Genesis 1:27; 2:24) What is your reaction?
- Paul’s use of mystery in Ephesians refers to God’s plan and purpose now revealed in and through Jesus Christ and now proclaimed by the apostles. (v. 32; Ephesians 1:10; 3:8-11) The Christian couple reflects God’s plan and purpose proclaimed in the house church. This is a matter that would take the Christian couple a lifetime to be awed and to reflect on. What is your reaction?
- During that time husbands owned his wife and his children. He can do anything with them! How can a Christian couple then be distinct and holy? (v. 33)
- Read Ephesians 6:1-4 prayerfully. Honoring of one’s parents comes with a promise. Here Paul alludes to God’s promise to Israel that if they are holy and honor their parents, they will live long in the land. Article XV section 1 of our constitution recognizes the family as the foundation of the nation. What is your reaction?
Thus, loving your spouse and honoring one’s parents are not only acts of holiness but is also helping build the nation! What is your reaction? - At that time fathers owned their children. They can do anything with them. How then is being a Christian parent distinct and holy? (v. 4)
Personal Application
- Take time to reflect as a Christian couple on your part in God’s plan and purpose for the whole of creation. (Thought to ponder no. 2; Examine the Word nos. 1 and 2) What is your realization(s)?
- As a couple, what step(s) would you be taking to apply the lessons you learned?
- As a son or daughter, what step(s) would you be taking to apply the lessons you learned?
- In the first century AD, the burden of being holy and distinct is in the shoulder of the father, pater de familia. If you are a father, what are your realizations?
What steps would you be taking to apply the lesson(s) you learned? - Pray for your family (and families that the Lord reminds you of) as you end your time of reflection.
Prayer List
NATIONPraise God for previous leaders (name the Governor, Vice-Governor of your respective provinces) — for their specific achievements during their term.
Pray for the Governor, Vice-Governor of your province duly elected in the May 09, 2022 elections, and for the rest of the 81 Governors and Vice-Governors.; 782 members of Provincial boards. Pray that they will be responsible in delivering the services needed in your respective provinces. (Name these services).
CHURCH/MINISTRIESAdmin-Finance, Church Staff and Volunteer Office Workers (VOW)
Pastor Ronel Rubrica
Jay Cayari, VOW-Worship Department
Ruth Dave, VOW-Spiritual Care Department
Rene Salem, VOW Maintenance
Tess Bibay, VOW-Cashier
Milet Cardano, Admin Head
Jay Ann Tutor, Bookkeeper
Faith Leonen, Secretary
Ivan Mahaguay, Multimedia
Ruben Jambongana, Maintenance
God’s wisdom for adjustment of family members on reporting onsite for work — schedules and assigned chores, for review of family income and expenses in the midst of rising prices and transport challenges.
Breakthroughs for enhancing businesses and sources of income, settling of accountabilities and dislocations due to the pandemic.
MISSIONS/EVANGELISM“The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is defined by mission – for it is composed of those who were won to salvation by mission, and now have the awesome responsibility to win others as their mission.”
– Patrick Johnstone (served many years as missionary in many countries in Africa; was Director of Research at WEC International when he authored the book ‘Operation World.’)
Pray that as we have been blessed (top line blessing), we might be a bottom-line blessing to others spiritually and in practical and tangible ways. (Gen. 12: 2-3)
Pray that as the Lord has blessed us with His provision for all our needs, we will also give willingly towards His work in missions and to His workers as well — the called and sent ones — so that we not only support them with our prayers but with His provision as well. (I Cor. 9:13-14)
Pray for wisdom and guidance as the Missions Committee align ourselves to God’s vision and agenda as we make plans and implement our mission goals through various trainings — evangelism, missions, church planting and developing Kingdom-building tools.
Pray that we will continue to grow and expand as a global church as we see mission, not as one place to the rest of the world, but as everywhere to everywhere. The worldwide migration is a phenomenon and opportunity in our times. Many mission fields have now arrived at our doorsteps — refugees, migrants/the diaspora, international students, business and trade people — pray we will seize the moment and reach many of these least-reached people groups.