Note: This devotional is taken from the 2021 Prayer and Fasting Week.
Day 3
First Mountain: Mount Moriah
Start to Connect
Up to the very end, Abraham did not waiver in his faith. He went about in his faithful ways, passing the test God laid out for him. Following the Lord is a long obedience in the same direction. Can this be said of your own life?
Truth to Ponder
Genesis 22:9-14
- What was the first thing Abraham did when he reached the place God told him? (“He build the altar” v.9) This is who Abraham was from the very beginning! (Genesis 12:7, 8; 13:4, 18). A Christian writer described following the Lord as a long obedience in the same direction. Abraham fits this description. What is your reaction?
- Again, what do you think is going on in Abraham’s mind when he bound Isaac, and laid him over the firewood, and about to strike him with the knife? (v.10)
- Read verse 12 prayerfully. About God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, a Christian leader stated, “God will not ask anything He Himself is not willing to do!” (alluding to God giving His Son to die on the cross). What is your reaction?
- What do you think is Abraham’s feelings when he saw the ram? Jehovah Jireh must have been personal to Abraham (v.13-14). What is your reaction?
- The last part of verse 14 says something about our theme [for the year 2021], Ascend. What is it?
Examine the Word
- If Abraham is an altar builder, how would you characterize your obedience?
- Write down your reaction to reflection no. 3 above.
- What title or name of God is personal to you? Why?
- What is our assurance when we obey God and Ascend whatever mountains He asks us to climb? (v.14; no. 5 above)
Personal Application
- If you don’t have any habit or spiritual discipline that you practice that can characterize your life, what would you like to start doing? (i.e., Dawn Watcher, 3:00 prayer habit, etc.)
- Our theme “Ascend” challenges us to have a long obedience in the same direction. What steps would you be taking to start to make this true of your life?
- What is that you are entrusting God to provide you in 2021?
Prayer Items
NATIONa. Pray for the leaders of the Legislative Branch: Speaker L.A. Velasco (Lower House), SP V. Sotto (Senate), and all Congressmen and Senators.
b. Pray for guidance and protection; to have reverent fear of God; to server with integrity, wisdom, faithfulness in updating and making new laws to address problems on C-19, poverty, drugs, criminality and corruption, ease of doing business.
Pray for physical strength of every family — protection against COVID-19, other infections, physical healing of loved ones.
a. Pray that the Holy Spirit will enable KBCF to build up every believer by enhancing growth towards Christ-likeness.
b. Worship, discipleship, thriving spiritual journey;
c. Enable corporate prayer and fasting to be trigger points for spiritual brokenness, to experience purging and purification for God’s mercy to flow.
a. Pray that the Holy Spirit will enable KBCF to create opportunities for serving God through the church different ministries and societal engagment (Micah 6:8).
b. Pray for partnership with KBCF Operation Paglingap Foundation by helping financially-challenged students to pursue further education; partnering with DSWD for social amelioration program for surrounding communities.