Take-Home Principle:
As Christians, our actions and all our decisions should be driven by the desire to glorify God and make Him known.
A. Discovery Questions
- What does the Bible say our actions should be motivated by?
- How does the Bible describe those who do evil? What is their reaction to light?
- In contrast, how are those who live by the truth described?
B. Understanding Questions
- Why are Christians discouraged from making decisions based on one’s personal conviction and belief alone? Can you share an experience when you were faced with this predicament? What happened and is there anything you would have done differently?
- Who is Jesus referring to as “those who do evil?” How about those who “live by the truth?”
- With all our faults and shortcomings, why do you think God wants us to open up our lives for others to see?
C. Application Questions
- Think of the area(s) in your life where you struggle to do what is glorifying to God. Pray and ask God for forgiveness and genuine repentance. What are the practical steps you can take to prepare yourself for similar situations in the future?
- Are you struggling in the area of opening up your life to others, and if so, what is hindering you? How can others help you in this area?