Take-Home Principle:
The Lord directs the path of the righteous, therefore I should read, learn and obey His word.
A. Discovery Questions
- How was Joseph described in verse 19 of this passage?
- In what instances did the angel of the Lord appear to Joseph in a dream and what was the message given?
B. Understanding Questions
- In the three times that the angel appeared to Joseph, it was stated that he got up and did what the angel told him right away(emphasis added). Why was it possible?
- What can we learn about Joseph in Matthew 2:22 and why is it important to always seek the Lord’s guidance?
C. Application Questions
- How has 2020 contributed to developing your relationship with the Lord? Can you say that this year has drawn you closer to Him? Feel free to share an experience or two and lessons learned from them with the group.
- Only a few days left and we will be welcoming another year. What plans do you have for 2021 that can help you with your spiritual walk? Are you considering discipling someone or thinking of joining a ministry? Spend time to pray about this as a group.