Bible Challenge: 1 John 3:11-23

Take-Home Principle: 

To love as Jesus loved, I will cultivate His love in my life and demonstrate it through concrete actions.

A. Discovery Questions

  1. What does God command us to do in verse 23?
  2. According to verses 11 to 18, how are we expected to love one another as children of God?

B. Understanding Questions 

  1. How is love described in the passage?
  2. In relation to loving others, our hearts can either condemn or liberate us (v.19-23). What happens when our heart condemns us? What happens when it does not?

C. Application Questions

  1. What evidence of genuine love for others do you see in your life? When was the last time you sacrificed your time, energy, and resources for others? (Note: You may affirm “love in action” as experienced in your discipleship group and immediate family).
  2. What action steps will you take this week to love like Jesus?