Take-Home Principle:
Having received God’s unconditional love, I will manifest this same love to others.
A. Discovery Questions
- What did the author urge us to do in verse 7 & 11?
- What does the passage say about those who do not show love (v.8)?
- How did God demonstrate his love for us (v.9)?
- In verse 12, what does the passage say when we love one another?
B. Understanding Questions
- How does God love us? How is it different from how the world loves?
- What does it mean to love unconditionally?
- Is it really possible for us to love others unconditionally as God has loved us?
C. Application Questions
- How have you experienced God’s unconditional love? Reflect on how you have also received unconditional love from others.
- Were you able to amplify the love of God by manifesting his unconditional love to others in the past? If not yet, what do you think is stopping you from doing so? Share with the group.
- How can you demonstrate God’s unconditional love to others, as you face your own adversities in life? Pray with each other for God’s guidance, to know what to do, to faithfully obey God’s instruction to love others.