Bible Challenge: John 13: 34-35

Take-Home Principle: 

As a follower of Christ, I will love others as Jesus loves me.

A. Discovery Questions

  1. In v. 34, what command does Jesus give His disciples?
  2. In v. 35, what does Jesus say about how people will recognize His disciples?

B. Understanding Questions 

  1. In what way do you think is Jesus’ commandment a “new commandment”? How does the new command compare to the one found in Leviticus 19:18?
  2. What kind of love did Jesus demonstrate that His disciples would have to live out?
  3. Why do you think it is important for us to carry out Christ’s commandment to love one another?

C. Application Questions

  1. Was there a time when you had difficulty expressing the love that Jesus demonstrated? What hindered you from living out Jesus’s kind of love?
  2. Are there people in your family, church, school/workplace, community that you have trouble loving these days? What steps will you take to follow Jesus’s example of love?