Take-Home Principle:
As a disciple of Jesus, in dependence on the Holy Spirit, I will exemplify Jesus’ radical love in loving my neighbor as myself.
A. Discovery Questions
- In Lev. 19:18, what were God’s commands or rules for His people to follow?
- In Exodus 23: 4-5, how is loving one’s neighbor exemplified?
B. Understanding Questions
- Who is one’s “neighbor?”
- Why do you think it is important to “love your neighbor as yourself”?
- Why do you think the command says to “…love …as yourself?”
- How hard is it to love your neighbor as yourself as God has instructed His people in the 2 passages?
C. Application Questions
- How have you experienced the radical love of God in your life? Share briefly.
- How have you exemplified the radical love of Jesus to others (at least to a certain degree)? Please share your experience. If none yet, how do you think can you exemplify in practical ways this radical love of God to someone you can call a “neighbor,” in simple acts of love or fairness and kindness (not necessarily to a family member or those you are already in good relationship with)?
- How can you practice full dependency on the Holy Spirit as you love others?