Take-Home Principle:
As a disciple of Jesus, I will go tell others the Good News and make disciples for the Kingdom by teaching them to obey all of God’s teachings.
A. Discovery Questions
- In v. 18-20a, what specific instruction or command did Jesus tell his disciples before his departure from the earth?
- What are they to do? (v. 18-20a). What are they to preach? (C.Ref.: Mark 16:15 & I Cor. 15:3,4) What are they to teach? (See Acts 2:42 for additional ref; II Tim. 2:2).
- What promise and comfort does Jesus give as they obey His command? (v. 20b)
B. Understanding Questions
- In previous missions Jesus had sent his disciples only to the Jews (please refer to Chap. 10:5-6) or to the lost sheep of Israel. How does this new mission for his disciples differ in context and scope? (v. 19a). What do you think does the word “all nations” mean or imply?
- What is the implication of this command to his disciples? How and where do you think they should start or go in order to obey Jesus’ commandment? How do you think can the Great Commission be fulfilled? (Cross Ref.: Please read Acts 1:8)
C. Application Questions
- How are you doing in your Christian life? Are you being discipled by someone? Describe how you are growing in your Christian walk in terms of your devotional life, in your relationship with God and in your relationship with others.
- Are you sharing the Good News or witnessing for Christ with your family or circle of friends, co-workers or those from among your contacts or spheres of influence? How are you helping a seeker or new disciple grow more in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and in obeying God’s teachings? What gifting or talent has God given you to help or have a part of in fulfilling the Great Commission?
- In what role do you think is God calling you now to participate in and to help fulfill the Great Commission? Is it as an “Intercessor” or as a prayer partner/prayer warrior? Is it as a “Goer’ or as a missionary to one people group? Is it as a “Sender” or encouraging others to go and being behind or in support to the person called to Go and to our church’s mission vision & objectives?