Take-Home Principle:
As a child of God, I will seek to love Him more and wholeheartedly obey his commands.
A. Discovery Questions
- What are the three biblical truths found in the passage?
- How is love for God defined?
- Who is being referred to as one who “overcomes the world?”
B. Understanding Questions
- What does it mean to “overcome the world?” Overcome what and how?
- As Christians, why is it important for us to have the assurance that we have the victory and that we have overcome the world? How does this affect our daily lives?
C. Application Questions
- Think about your loved ones and how you exert effort in your relationship with them… how does this compare to your effort to nurture your personal relationship with the Lord?
- Obeying the Lord is not easy all the time, but it starts with a choice to cultivate your love for Him and to follow Him. How can you personally cultivate your love for the Lord?
- What have you struggled with to obey the Lord in the past, and how were you able to overcome them? Is there an area that you are currently struggling to obey the Lord? If you are comfortable to share with the group, please do so and pray for each other. If too personal, you may share this with a fellow Christian who can pray for you separately.