Take-Home Principle:
As a follower of Jesus, the Light of the world, I will shine my light so that those in darkness may find their way to Him.
A. Discovery Questions
- What is God’s command to the people in Jerusalem?
- How is the glory of the LORD described in the passage?
B. Understanding Questions
- Verse 2 says that “darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth.” What does being in darkness mean to you?
- In the passage, the prophet Isaiah mentioned God’s glory as shining light twice. What is the light that Isaiah is speaking of in the text?
- Isaiah 60 is specifically directed to Israel, and will be fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom – the one thousand years of Christ’s reign on earth after His second coming (Revelation 20). But in principle, it is applicable to all God’s people (Guzik, 2015). Isaiah tells us how to respond to the light of the glory of God in Christ. How are we to “arise and shine?”
C. Application Questions
- How have you been living your life? Can you say that your life is reflecting God’s glory, or are you still struggling with darkness in some aspects of your life? Confess to the Lord any area of your life that needs to be exposed to God’s light.
- In what specific ways can you let your light shine to lead others to Jesus in this time of the pandemic?