Take-Home Principle:
As a follower of Christ, I will resolve to remove all obstacles so that others will see the full glory of God in my life.
A. Discovery Questions
- What does the voice cry out in v.3?
- What were the specific instructions that the voice cried out?
B. Understanding Questions
- Who do you think is the voice crying in the wilderness, and what did he preach about?
- What do you think is the meaning of the various landscaping metaphors in v.3-4 that need to be accomplished to prepare the way of the Lord?
- As Christians, why is it important for God’s glory to be revealed in our lives?
C. Application Questions
- How are you doing in terms preparing the way for the Lord? Are you mindful of living your life in such a way that others will clearly see Christ in you (e.g. social media posts, in your manner of speaking, in how you drive, etc.)?
- Preparing the way for the Lord calls for recognizing the obstacles (sins, struggles, attitude/mindset, cultural beliefs) that hinder God’s full glory to be revealed. Recall the biggest obstacle in your life that prevented others from seeing God’s glory in your life. Who or what helped you remove this obstacle? Share with the group how your life transformed after such an obstacle was removed.
- Are there any obstacles in your life at the moment that are obscuring God’s full glory in your life? What steps will you take so that others (family, friends, co-workers, classmates, etc.) can recognize God’s glory in your life?