Bible Challenge: Genesis 5:24 ref. Micah 6:1-8

Take Home Principle: 

“Led by the Holy Spirit,  I will walk in close  fellowship  with God in the daily affairs of my  life.”

Discovery Questions

  1. In v. 23, what should men not boast of?
  2. What was the end result of this special relationship of Enoch with God? (v. 24b)

Understanding Questions 

  1. What does the word “walked with God” convey? (v. 22-24)
  2.  How did Enoch live his life while on earth? (cross ref.: Hebrews 11:5b). What does pleasing others or in this matter, God, mean?
  3. How does God expect a  believer  to live his life on earth as a disciple of Him? ( Hebrews 11:5b; Micah 6:8).

Application Questions

  1. What is your main  take-away from this life example of Enoch (and Elijah too). How should you  live a life that is pleasing to God
  2. In what manner can we do justice? Love kindness? Walk humbly with God? Can you give specific examples on how these characters are or can be  displayed in a believer’s  life?
  3.  Share with the group some specific ways or practices or spiritual disciplines that you do or you should apply in your life in order  to cultivate a life that would show  faithfulness in your walk with God and be in close fellowship  with Him?

1. The Devotional Study Bible (NIV);
2. Global Study Bible (ESV);
3. Life Application Study Bible (NLT)
4. NIV Serendipity Bible for Study Groups
5. The Open Bible Expanded Edition (NKJV)
6. Walking With Christ (Book Three: Design for Discipleship  NAV Booklet)