Bible Challenge: Psalm 123

Take-Home Principle:  I will look to the Lord and wait on Him for help when I face difficulties.   A. Discovery Questions In verse 1, to whom did the psalmist lift his eyes unto? In verse 3, what is the plea of the psalmist to the Lord? In verses 3-4, what...

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Bible Challenge: Psalm 121

Take-Home Principle:  I will rely on God in any life situation because my help comes from Him.  A. Discovery Questions According to verse 1, where does our help come from? What kind of help does God provide His children? B. Understanding Questions  The psalmist starts the verse with“I lift up...

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Bible Challenge: Micah 4:1-5

Take-Home Principle:  As part of God’s restored people, I will take part in His reign and declare His glory in my life.  A. Discovery Questions What significant event will happen during the last days mentioned by prophet Micah?  How will the nations respond ? B. Understanding Questions  What does the...

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Bible Challenge: Matthew 1:18-25

Take-Home Principle:  The Lord directs the path of the righteous, therefore I should read, learn and obey His word. A. Discovery Questions How was Joseph described in verse 19 of this passage? In what instances did the angel of the Lord appear to Joseph in a dream and what was...

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Bible Challenge: Micah 4:1-2

Take-Home Principle:  As part of the restored people of God, I will openly declare Christ’s rule and reign by worshipping Him. A. Discovery Questions According to the prophet Micah, what important event will occur? When and where will this happen? Who will go to this event? B. Understanding Questions What...

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Bible Challenge: Titus 3

Take-Home Principle  In response to God’s kindness to me, I will show grace towards a difficult person in my life. A. Discovery Questions What were the things that deceived and enslaved us? (V.3) How were we saved from the curse of deceit and enslavement? (V.4&5) What was the result of Christ’s justification? (V.7)...

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Bible Challenge: Matthew 19:1-10 and 1 Corinthians 7:12-16

Take-Home Principle:  God did not intend divorce, so I must consider marriage very seriously.  A. Discovery Questions In Matthew 19:1-10, what questions did the Pharisees ask Jesus? What was Jesus’ response to the questions? In 1 Corinthians 7:12-16, what are Apostle Paul’s instructions to Christian husbands and wives who are...

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Bible Challenge: Romans 1:18-32

Take-Home Principle  I should not trifle with sin, because God’s anger at sin in all its forms is real. A. Discovery Questions Who is Apostle Paul referring to in the text? How are those people described (vv.21-32)? What is God’s reaction to those people (vv.18,24-29) B. Understanding Questions How do...

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Bible Challenge: Psalm 99

Take-Home Principle:  The LORD is the Holy King, and I should exalt and worship Him.  A. Discovery Questions How is the LORD described in the text? How did the LORD exercise fairness and righteousness to Israel in the text? B. Understanding Questions  Why should the nations tremble and quake before...

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