KBCF Prayer and Fasting Week 2025

With so much tension, struggle, conflict, and turmoil around us, including sicknesses, economic strife, political instability, and family problems, there is no better way to start the year than to indulge in biblical fasting and prayer and set the tone for the rest of the year. It is always a...

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KBCF Midyear Prayer and Fasting Week 2024

Each year, at the beginning and middle of the year, we take time to have an ardent andpassionate conversation and communing with God through prayer and fasting. Prayer isessentially the exercise expected of God’s people. It is by prayer that we test thetruthfulness and genuineness of our faith, when we...

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KBCF Prayer and Fasting Week 2024

The way we begin always matters. Every year at KBCF, we set off the year with praying and fasting together. We believe that prayer is not our last recourse, but our first response. As John Bunyan said, “You can do more than pray, after you have prayed, but you cannot...

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2023 Midyear Prayer and Fasting Week

What does your prayer life look like? Spending time with God in communion and prayer has been a lifelong struggle for many Christians. Though we experience blessed seasons when prayer is the easiest and most natural thing in the world, we also experience seasons when prayer is difficult and when...

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2023 Prayer and Fasting Week

At the commencing of every year, we set aside a special time to seek God with all our hearts in prayer and with fasting. We want to set the tone for the year and be intentional in focusing on the Lord and what He is saying and doing. We know...

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2022 Midyear Prayer and Fasting Week

One key significant link to the holiness of God is prayer and, if I may add, fasting. When we turn to God in prayer, either as a church or as an individual, we are doing something that is holy, which is to say, we are making some conscious connection to...

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2022 Prayer and Fasting Week

The year 2022 started holding much hope for an improved situation for us. But we are now facing new challenges, which may dampen this hope. We can continue looking up, where hope springs eternal. Our Father in heaven never tires nor sleeps, and sees what the world is going through....

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2021 Mid-Year Prayer and Fasting Week

The yearly prayer and fasting week gives KBCFers an opportunity to come together as one church and take delight in these spiritual disciplines. Join us and let us learn to obey the soul by praying. The soul learns to command the body. Matthew 6:16: “When you fast, do not look...

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