Sunday Worship Service

Join us for an uplifting Sunday worship experience! Immerse yourself in a time of worship, reflection, and community as we gather together to praise and honor our Lord. Our Sunday service offers a blend of heartfelt worship music, Christ-centered and Bible-based messages, and opportunities for fellowship. Whether you join us...

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Family Fun Day 2022

Praise God! this year’s Family Fun Day will be onsite! We are so glad to invite you and your family as we celebrate our family month. We will once again gather to thank God for being with us as KBCF Family. Let us enjoy His goodness, laugh out loud, enjoy...

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L.E.A.D 101 – Session 5

L.E.A.D 101 Session 5 Speaker: Pastor Ronel Rubrica Topic: What is Man; What is Sin? Venue: KBCF Training Center L.E.A.D Training

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KBCF Midyear Prayer and Fasting Week 2022

“One key significant link to the holiness of God is prayer and, if I may add, fasting. When we turn to God in prayer, either as a church or as an individual, we are doing something that is holy, which is to say, we are making some conscious connection to...

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Lenten Prayer

Holy week is a reminder not only of Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins, but also His days on earth. He got hungry and thirsty. He was tempted yet did not sin. He taught and showed how to pray to the Father. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus...

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KBCF On-Site Worship Service

February 20, 2022 | 9:00 AM Yay! KBCF will be gradually opening its doors for our long-awaited face-to-face Sunday worship. To comply with IATF/LGU guidelines, we can only accommodate a limited number of people. Those who do not have access to KBCF online services will be given priority and may...

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Corporate Prayer Gathering

“We enjoin every member of our Church to participate in this corporate fasting, as we in unison praise our great God, lift up his Name, and listen to His voice. Let us together commit to the Lord the whole world, our country, our church and our personal concerns. Starting the...

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KBCF Prayer and Fasting Week

 The year 2022 started holding much hope for an improved situation for us. But we are now facing new challenges, which may dampen this hope. We can continue looking up, where hope springs eternal. Our Father in heaven never tires nor sleeps, and sees what the world is going...

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