Note: This devotional is taken from the 2025 Prayer and Fasting Week.
Day 3 – January 15 (Wednesday)
READ: Genesis 12:1-3; Hebrews 11:8-12
QUESTION TO PONDER- At this point when the LORD asked Abraham to leave his country, was it made clear where he would go?
In vv. 2-3 what are the promises of the LORD to Abraham personally?
Who would be blessed through him? - Sixty (60) years old is a common retirement age. In vv. 4-5, how old was Abraham?
Who and what else did Abraham take with him when he left his country?
At this point in your life, what do you think is the LORD asking you to do that is not yet very clear to you?
QUESTION TO PONDER- In v. 9 what enabled Abraham to leave his homeland to go to and live in a place that he did not know?
- In v.11 what enabled Abraham to become a father even though he and Sarah were past the normal child-bearing age?
Whom did Abraham consider faithful, himself or the LORD?
Who made the promise?
List down the rewards/blessings you are receiving from God because you
are already earnestly seeking Him regularly.
We are inviting you to join the Worship and Prayer at 7 o’clock in the evening of January 15, 2025 (Wednesday) at KBCF.