Date: 08 August 2021 Text: Luke 6:46-49 Sermon Series: Nurturing our Spiritual and Emotional Growth Speaker: Pastor Ep Brion Bible Challenge: Luke 6:46-49
Date: 31 January 2021 Text: Psalm 126 Sermon Series: Songs of Ascents Speaker: Ptr. Ep Brion Bible Challenge: Psalm 126
Text 1 Corinthians 6:12-13; 10:23-31 As Christ has set us free, we should strive to do what God wants us to do (and not whatever we want to do). Introduction: Vices: immoral or wicked behavior, habit, trait or action. a habit regarded as a weakness but not necessarily a serious fault crutches that one […]
Ptr. Ep Brion takes on a burning issue in contemporary social, political, and spiritual setting. This is not an exhaustive treatment of the matter but a primer for a Christian to ascertain where he/she stands on the issue. Scripture References for this message: Romans 1:20-27 c.f. John 3:16-17 c.f. 2 Peter 3:9 “Love and truth […]
Text Hebrews 6:4-12 In his message, Ptr. Ep Brion reminds us that we should treat with utmost seriousness our profession of faith and not be Christians in name only. Introduction: A number of prominent personalities have walked away from the Christian faith. I. A Pronounced Reality : Not everyone who attends church is a real […]