Take Home Principle:
“I will let the Holy Spirit lead and guide me in my daily life.”
Discovery Question
- According to the text, there are two natures that seek to control the lives of those who belong to Christ by faith. What are they?
- According to Romans 8:5-17, what does it mean to live in the Spirit?
- Read Galatians 5: 16-26. Compare and contrast walking in the Spirit against walking in the flesh or according to our sinful nature.
Understanding Questions
- Why is it that if we are led by the Spirit, then we are not under the law, according to Galatians 5:18?
- If you claim to be a follower of Jesus, the Spirit of God dwells in you. Why should you live differently from others who do not live in the Spirit of God? (Romans 8:5-17)
Application Questions
- What fruit of the Holy Spirit, as listed down in Galatians 5:22-23, shows that your life is being led by the Holy Spirit? Share your answer with your group.
- Review what it’s like to live in the Spirit as discussed in Discovery Question No. 1. Rate yourself according to the descriptions of a Spirit-led life. (1 to 10, 10 being the highest). In what area/s do you want to improve? How?
- Find an accountability partner who can remind you of these areas for improvement. Allow them to call your attention when you are not living a Spirit-led life.